Monday, December 18, 2006

Maybe one day that title will change...

It's a funny thing. I'm not really a writer, but I sure do talk a lot. Years ago during one of my spouting sessions, a friend said "You should really write a book!" I think that may have been a kind way for her to say, "Shut up already. I know you have a lot of ideas, but do I have to hear them all personally and in one sitting? Give a girl a break." But I took that mention and started journaling some of the random ideas that came to my head. As I was reading through the entries later the book title "Ramblings of an Unmarried Woman" just seemed to fit.

Book idea notwithstanding, I figure I could use another hobby!
  • Photography isn't as much fun when your GOOD camera requires that you actually get film developed (and no personal darkroom to further that hobby).
  • Knitting was pretty short-lived--apparently I have the attention span of a flea with three partially done scarves for proof!
  • Shopping isn't as much fun with no backer!
  • We won't even go into the 'shoe' issue...
  • And, well, while fun for me, that whole impromptu 'pop-psychology on strangers' idea never really took off.
So blogging it is! While I do hope that one day, the 'unmarried' part will no longer be the case, here's to beginning to share those rambling thoughts!
Here goes nothing...