Thursday, July 31, 2008

Ahh... Harry Potter

I started reading the Harry Potter books because I had to know what it was that drew 3rd graders to read a book that's 750 pages long. And so began another book addiction...

Enter the movies, which some will squabble about the "true to the book" issue, I just like them. I like the original stories, and I like seeing them come alive on screen.

And now book six is coming to theaters November 21.
Get a glimpse at coolness...

(To give credit where credit is due, my friend T-Rev posted this video first, and I thought it was such a great idea that I'm doing it, too!)

1 comment:

Lori said...

I love the Harry Potter books and movies too. I really think that overall they've done a great job of keeping the movies true to the books. I am eagerly awaiting the next movie and sad there are no more books.

Have you read the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer? Another awesome "young adult" series...very good..