Sunday, November 30, 2008

All for Naught?

Is it all for nothing?
Does EVERYTHING matter?

Can it simply be one or the other? In the midst of life's MANY everyday choices, how do you know which ones TRULY matter in the GRAND scheme of things?

Do we typically only figure out what matters after-the-fact?


St. Izzy said...


We just have a warped picture of what it means, what it feels like to matter.

We were created to tend a garden in the company of (an)other(s). How terribly mundane. How lofty a vocation.

The grand scheme of things is in the tiniest details of everyday life. It is in the heart-stopping sweetness of a baby's coo and in the pruny fingers doing yet another round of dishes. It is in Abram talking with the angels at Mamre and in the hands kneading the flour for their meal. We look for it especially in the bold stand of three Israelite children who will not bow to the idol or the lone Chinese businessman standing in the way of tanks, and we forget that it was in every moment of their lives that led them to those stands.

Our eyes are too limited to see the grand scheme as it is, so we look only at the really large and obvious bits of the design, but God's delight is in the tiny traces of ink that illuminate the design.

It ALL matters.

Now go play Pierce Pettis' "God Believes in You" and/or Daniel Amos' "Grace is the Smell of Rain." I'm going to exercise my marital vocation by gathering up and taking out the trash. It's important.

TSHarrison said...

So you haven't posted in some time, and now that you do all you can ask are these simple questions?